おっさん の訳語→ good-ol’-boy hoss kid old owner sport uncle
おやじ の訳語→ bum dad father fuck goat
お客さん の訳語→ customer guy lady mister party public visitor
つく の訳語→ achieve attendance belong cover dispose draw explore fill gather get have head hit imprint lean make place prop put reach ride serve settle sit stick strike supply take
ほう の訳語→ business direction one person
まったく の訳語→ absolutely actually altogether apparent but certainly cold completely considerably distinctly entirely exact exactly exceedingly extremely fully genuine gevalt God goddamn gosh great hell intense merely naturally never outstanding particularly perfectly practically precisely pretty quite simply some squeaky strongly such supremely surely totally truly vastly virtually well what yes
もの の訳語→ anything base clothing component creature dick element factor fellow important information ingredient instrument kind matter note object oyster part people possession private quality rest something story stuff subject thing word worthy
やつ の訳語→ anybody bloke boy chap creep figure fucker he his man-jack onion puppy somebody son-of-a-bitch son-of-a-gun stallion talent type you
子孫 の訳語→ descendant offshoot offspring
子分 の訳語→ appendage bagman followership lackey subordinate
者 の訳語→ anyone case fella folk human someone those
職人 の訳語→ artisan craftsman servitor tradesman worker workingman
身体 の訳語→ body build condition form frame health position posture
人 の訳語→ boor everybody friend gentleman life men nature neighbour other others soul staff stranger student we whoever woman
人間 の訳語→ character disposition everyone gun heart humanity humankind individual mankind member mobile mortal organism son us world
人物 の訳語→ adult image loiterer personality presence
相手 の訳語→ antagonist companion company enemy face grip him interest partner quarry she they victim
大人 の訳語→ adulthood elder grown-up
男 の訳語→ bird boyo dude loin lover manhood masculinity number rogue sort
男の の訳語→ beefcake macho male virile
犯人 の訳語→ culprit killer murderer perpetrator villain
部下 の訳語→ assistant corps employee grunt one’s report sidekick underling
野郎 の訳語→ asshole bastard bitch dog-goned egg prick rascal
連中 の訳語→ all bunch contingent coterie crowd fringe fry group lot mind mortals observer personnel rabble rank run setout SOB swarm them variety
man-made manage to protect manageability manageable management managerial manager manage managing mana mandate maneuverer maneuvering maneuver mane manful mangle mangy manhandle manhood mania manic manifestation manifestly manifest manipulate manipulative mankind manliness manly mannerism manner manoeuvre manpower manservant mansion mantle manually manual manufacture many-coloured many