あまり の訳語→ change entirely exactly excess few little more much pretty quite rather really relatively seldom singularly so somewhat sufficiently terribly too utterly very
いよいよ の訳語→ close even ever finally gradually great greatly now rich steadily still
かかる の訳語→ attend began begin cost drive fall get infect narrow proceed rest ring say see set settle sit soar start take try use
かける の訳語→ bestow cover crank dump equip hook launch lay make nearly pay pepper place play provide put run scamper seat shake show sling spend throw under waste wear worth wrap
かれこれ の訳語→ almost probably some well
ぐるりと の訳語→ around completely entire quick
けはい の訳語→ air indication sense sign
さして の訳語→ across equally especially overly particular particularly to
ざっと の訳語→ abstracted briefly cursory easily glancingly hurriedly quickly rough roughly slightly
せいぜい の訳語→ all altogether anyway bare barely extent good jolly just only remarkably substantial
そこそこ の訳語→ adequately lot minimum modestly reasonably yet
そろそろ の訳語→ gently high slow slowly soon
ばかり の訳語→ collection constantly early exclusively firmly for frequently full many maybe merely mostly newly none peculiar predominantly recently repeatedly whole
ほぼ の訳語→ near nigh practically virtually
まで の訳語→ actually also at every over through till towards until while
恰好 の訳語→ action appearance costume gesture getup look pose posture shape sight state way
危うく の訳語→ desperately hardly narrowly
近い の訳語→ before closely immediate imminent like proximity short
時分 の訳語→ season time weather when
同然 の訳語→ indistinguishable know sort tantamount
様子 の訳語→ apparent appear behavior behaviour condition layout manner mood rate seem spirit temper that thing welfare